Daniel Freedman
Daniel Freedman
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Pundicity: Informed Opinion and Review

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'Never Enough' Review: The Burden of Billions
After becoming fabulously wealthy, an entrepreneur learns that flashy purchases are not the key to happiness.

August 23, 2024  •  The Wall Street Journal

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Employees are tired, stressed and burned out. That's why I give mine 'wellness days.'
Sick days raise the question of whether someone is really ill or just shirking work. These can be used for whatever workers think will improve their wellbeing.

December 28, 2021  •  NBC

Texts from Egypt's New Kingdom period suggest that even when workers were too sick to build the royal tombs, they were still paid. The pharaohs apparently calculated that allowing for health needs leads to better work. And that's a society that literally treated many workers as slaves.

Part of the problem with the conventional concept of sick days is that you generally need to wait until you require medication, go to an emergency room or have a breakdown to take one.

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Other Voices: Social bonds can improve cancer care

July 4, 2021  •  Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

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Seniors will adapt to technology if it helps them build community

June 23, 2021  •  Orlando Sentinel

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Advocating for 'walkability' in car-centric Baltimore-area 'burbs

June 21, 2021  •  Baltimore Sun

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